daily painting titled The Susan Rose

The Susan Rose

22cm x 14cm (approx 8½"x5½"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 26 March, 2012
Posted in Marine paintings


Loveley painting.
I love the way you take a flat subject and build diagonals and planes from it. I see it and think, "yes that is how it should be. its so obvious".
This is so sweet. Susan
My goodness, Julian, is there nothing you can't get the essence of? I can feel the coolish (okay - cold) water oozing between my toes, smell the salt air, feel the breezes of spring on my face - such evocative painting, for which I say - Thanks!
Thanks to you I get inspired daily to continue learning the art of painting. happy beach combing.
I love it Julian!
a very simple and yet complex composition...a lovely study...
Hey a boat named after me!! I love the way you capture light. You must be enjoying the lovely weather in th U.K.!!