daily painting titled Ripening Vines

Ripening Vines

19cm x 11cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

This painting is available as a limited edition print
Daily painting for Friday 8 September, 2006
Posted in Landscape paintings ·


Another beauty. We all wish we could paint outdoors as well as this. And you show us the way, everyday, work, work and then work some more. Your hard work and dedication is certaimly paying dividends. Thanks for sharing.
this is a real beauty. esp on a grey day in bremen.
Julian - great sense of light, depth and space crammed into 19cmx11cm... the rocks, trees and grasses on the far hillside are given a masterly treatment!
I like the Neoclassical composition: tree on left extending beyond the picture plane, cast shadow in the foreground, and mountains in the distance to pull the eye. Corot would be pleased.