daily painting titled Apricots #1

Apricots #1

16cm x 13cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Monday 26 June, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


re: Julian's palette...what medium/solvents do you mix with your paints? I would love to see more postings on your techinique and other nitty-gritty via Painter's Diary...if you could find the time, that is. Thanks
sorry - meant "A Painter Journal". Another great site of yours that hasn't seen any activity in a long time, no doubt due to the success of "Postcards" But, you seem to have so many artist/fans out there who would love to talk shop...
I really wanted one of these two -- but of course at exactly 15:27 edt my office lost power! And either one would have looked perfect next to my IRIS.