daily painting titled Peach on a White Cloth

Peach on a White Cloth

15cm x 14cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Tuesday 15 August, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


You are on a roll today! Three great ones. And on this one you can almost feel the peach fuzz!
breath-takingly gorgeous, Julian
On a envie de la croquer !
I just love the fuzziness, it even looks a little bruised on the side. very dramatic lighting.
Nice peach Julian. Very juicy!
Would like to buy this daily postcard painting of peach if I can fedx you a money order? Thanks leslie Wells
Would like to buy this daily postcard painting of a peach if I can fedx you a money order. Thanks, Leslie Wells
Today was the closest I ever came to getting one, my hands were shaking as I typed in my credit card information. It was so exciting! But alas, now I know, lots of people get through that gate. Only one lucky credit card actually gets to be charged. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Julian, can you explain how the successful bidder is determined when multiple bids are made within seconds of the "purchase" button appearing? Is it just the first one through the gate? I also was hoping to get this one. Ah well. Thanks.
I love the way the cloth echoes the curve of the peach and the textures of each are tangible.
Don't give up! I have been watching daily for two months and have attempted to purchase many, many times. At last I was successful today. I can't wait to see my peach in person! It looks delicious!! michelle, san rafael, ca
Your peach looks like the peaches from the past....fuzzy, juicy and sweet as sugar....we don't get peaches like that in Pennsylvania anymore...Thanks for the memories....
Fuzzy! Juicy! I love to paint peaches. Hi lulu.
What is it about peaches? I've also been painting peaches off of my tree, and then I EAT them! It doesn't get much better than that!
Merilee...do you have a website?
I love this little peach, so much in this painting I don't know where to start.
Louis, I wish I did, and someday I will. I'm so intimidated by computers and technology, it's pathetic. I greatly admire artists like Julian and yourself who have websites. I sell by word-of-mouth, do commissions when I want, similar to a close relative of mine, who is a very well-known artist. When I get around to finding someone who can design a website, I'll let you know! Thanks for asking.
Julian, this is so so so so good!! Oh I love the high contrast and the way the fold of the cloth on the right echoes the curve of the peach Oooo La La! Bravo! Jan