daily painting titled Roses in a Vase

Roses in a Vase

12cm x 18cm (4¾"x7"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 26 August, 2009
Posted in Flower paintings


So frail Little roses So young too With your slightly acid Green leaves Which are drowning O you little petal Alone and dead (why?) So pale I am shedding tears Over you And behind, This disturbing scenery, Stormy, Worries... O innocent lovable roses Your days are numbered!
behind, alain, is a double ikat cloth i brought back from bali.
Hello Ruth. Bewitching Bali! I understand now why the background conveys to the painting a kind of tragic feeling .
I like the Poetry and the Picture!
parden me for saying picture... should have said Painting... which is lovely.