daily painting titled Daffodils


12.5cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 20 March, 2013
Posted in Flower paintings


So clearly expresses a "happy first day of spring." Wish I could remember the phrase en francaise. Thank goodness, the painting needs no words.
It's nice to see some flowers. Spring is coming!
"Le premier jour d'un merveilleux équinoxe de Printemps" (The first day of a happy vernal equinox).
As usual ..... simply beautiful! You make it look all so easy but I find simplicity one of the hardest things to achieve in painting. The less strokes, the better - so I've read - and you, Julian, prove this (over and over) to be so true. Thank you for my visual, daily treats. Elaine