daily painting titled Lemon and Cup

Lemon and Cup

16cm x13cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Tuesday 28 March, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


How can you see the lemon tree in my neighbor's yard when we are in California and you are so many miles away. Love it; LOVE IT!!!
How can you see the lemon tree in my neighbor's yard when we are in California and you are so many miles away? Love it; LOVE IT!!!
Oh how this would have complimented my "Lemons" (the one on canvas).. drool. Dang it... too late.
This is one of my favorites. Beautiful! Is there a way I can commission a lemon painting?
Julian, Your work is sublime! Do not let those who are mad with acquisition disorders, who berate you for not offering ENOUGH of your work, or dislike the manner in which your sales are conducted, get to you. I think we are all lucky that you are doing this at all, and maybe some day I'll get lucky and own one. I love looking at each days offer, it brings art into my life everyday....thank you!