daily painting titled Road to the sea

Road to the sea

17cm x 11cm (approx 7"x4"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 28 March, 2012
Posted in Marine paintings


Really like your muted palette. It makes those grey-blue shadows glow.
My family history is in Barnstable. Since the boat painting was near Barnstable, are these houses as well? I now live in Pennsylvania.
This is Lee, about 8 miles north west of Barnstaple
Beautiful, just enough detail!
You have adjusted well to the English light and colours.
Julian,this is mar-vel-lous! Tints are exquisite,dashes of hues subtly interpenetrate mutually,creamy layers,imprints of the brush(your temperament)as in the sky between the two chimneys.You are so close to Constable here. Delectable picture.
Hi Julian, I brought your book into share with my class at Mount St. Mary College the other day. They loved your work! One of the student just came back from Provence on vacation, she will be buying your book too. Thank you for your inspiring paintings. It gets me motivated to paint everyday.