daily painting titled Lemon with Blue Teapot

Lemon with Blue Teapot

16cm x 13cm (6¼"x5"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 2 October, 2008
Posted in Still life paintings


Impressive rendition ! your pot is so perfect ! so is the lemon.
This is sublime! The reflections in the teapot are wonderful and the lemon is actually fragrant, it's so beautiful. I'm going to wait until morning and see if I can buy it.
Gaw !
Wonderful looseness to the brushwork. The yellow is great next to that subdued blue, also subtle pinks in the teapot.
Gaw, indeed! Wonderful piece, Julian. The lemon makes my mouth twist! Don Coker, Down in Georgia
Why does this make me think of Vermeer? It's lovely. Thank you.
Please consider offering this as a print - it's one of my favorites. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bid on it during the auction.