daily painting titled Lemon with Blue Stripe

Lemon with Blue Stripe

13cm x 18cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Thursday 7 December, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Wow!! I can almost feel the weight of that lemon!
Not a "Louis" but oh I need this lemon on the signature napkin/cloth! Delicious.. D
Wow, I love the diagonal line from the napkin behind the lemon! It's so striking and the still lifes (lives?) of fruit are always my favorites. I'll win one someday!!!
Nice lemon!!
Another lesson in how to marry painterly brush strokes and fine details. The hint of refected lemon light on the white cloth and the little shadow around the lemon's nipple bit (what do you call that on a lemon?) makes this a fine picture...
What a beautiful Lemon! Nice diagonal, and quite a glow. I appreciate your site, Julian. Keep it up.