daily painting titled Night onion

Night onion

20cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 23 November, 2021
Posted in Still life paintings


Heartfelt congratulation Julian on your French citizenship from the Prefecture de Vaucluse in Avignon. WE are toasting you with a glass of Champagne to celebrate!!!! All the BEST.
So many layers of colors and values applied thoughtfully. Perhaps it's not unlike the life you have created in Provence. Well deserved, such a long time coming! Salut!
Hurrah for you and your family. As you so obviously love your home its a wonderful move.
Nice painting and congratulations.
Bienvenue chez nous en France !
Welcome Julian !
Félicitations, mon ami! Santé!
This is onion perfection!
Congratulations on receiving your French citizenship and a lovely painting. Thanks Craig