daily painting titled Bergamots with silver goblet

Bergamots with silver goblet

17cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 9 January, 2014
Posted in Still life paintings


You always do well with painting reflections in the silver. Very nice painting - good use of complimentary colors, too.
Superb. Vermeer
So beautiful...
Dear Julian, the silver goblet that features from time to time, always reminds me of a certain Monsieur Chardin. You know, you really should be in the Louvre too! How the reflections on the silver surface unlocks the painting, describing the form of the goblet, adding depth and more colour. A magic painterly device. Anna.
Fabulous painting, shame about the grocer's apostrophe!
whoops...put it down to tiredness! Corrrected now