daily painting titled Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

22cm x 17cm (8½"x6½"), oil on oil paper Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 14 August, 2009
Posted in Paintings of Paris


This is awesome Julian! Do people bother you when you are painting in public spaces? If so, you must be good at ignoring them!
I like this!
I've been looking at your work for quite a while, and the more I look at them, the more beautiful they become to me. Thanks for your work. Susan
Julian, I have immediately thought of Corot's canvas " The Colosseum seen through arches of the basilica of Constantine" which is... in the "musée du Louvre"! (35 cm x 23 cm) (Aile Sully second floor section 69, Moreau-Nelaton collection) What a subtle study of shades. Wonderful dashes of red like keynotes. Majestic front view.
Have fun, Julian! Think about us artists not as fortunate as you to be so close to Paris! Enjoy! www.doncokerart.com/blog
Been there once; DYING to go back - I'm in the wrong profession.
This is REALLY nice. I'm just wondering, did you get harassed by security while you were painting? A couple of winters ago a friend and I were working on oil sketches under the archway depicted in your painting, and were kicked out by museum security!
at first i thought this was one of the Old Masters paintings but then realized it is one of the new Master Painters. so subtle, julian. thank you. gfs
Hi Julian This is such a wonderful painting. I could not figure out where this was done until I saw the faint outline of the pyramid behind. We were in Paris in the SECOND week of June when the weather was just like this rainy and COLD, much to the shock of Parisians and us for that matter. Some people even had winter coats on. I hope you have a wonderful time in Paris and at the Louvre. What I like about this painting is the dark colours with the touch of red. This has to be the best of your spring paintings of Paris. Have fun and enjoy Paris and Ruth's concert.
About painting a landscape outdoors or not. For instance, Cezanne always painted his landscapes outdoors, whereas Bonnard made a quick drawing outdoors with some comments written all around( colours, first impressions, feelings) then came back home and with the help of his memento he painted the whole in his studio. In fact, the impressionnists were the first ones to decide to paint consistently outside, trying to translate their "atmospheric" feelings. But in fact there is no rule, it only depends on the ideas; what is really important it's the result, isn' it ?
This painting reminds me a bit of Goya...and other works by great painters. Have a great trip, Julian, and give Ruth our love and best wishes.
Goya or... Velasquez ? If you search on "Web gallery of art " ( www.wga.hu/index1.html) you will see two "landscapes" of Velasquez: "Villa medici, Grotto-Loggia Façade " and " Villa Medici, Pavillion of Ariadné " Don't you think they are both in the spirit of Julian's painting ?
Alain, MERCI INFINIMENT for the incredibly useful URL: www.wga.hu/index1.html!!!!!!!!!!I didn't know it, and you are absolutely right! It IS Velazquez that I had in mind, but my fingers typed Goya because I have been working in that area. There is no QUESTION that the Villa Medicis and the Pavillon d'Ariadne are in the spirit of Julian's painting. See what you do for us all, Julian -- and Alain? You teach as well as delight us. Mille thanks, Alain -- AND Julian!
other than the self portraits, isn't this the first time we have people in one of your postcards? incredibly well done with the pyramid captured so subtly but so perfectly.
Jol, Surpassing any art classes at the university! Such fun this is! Thanks all!
Good evening mister Shapiro. The first one with people is " Le Pantheon, Morning" ( 21 April 2009 ). Best