daily painting titled Cabanon with Blue Door

Cabanon with Blue Door

15 x 14cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Monday 17 April, 2006
Posted in Landscape paintings ·


I love this! I wish I could zoom out a bit and see the tree (I assume) that is making the shadow. Thank you again!
Like something out of a fairy tale... oh I hope I got it! The colors and sun spots are simpy wonderful.
I cant believe it Mara Liasson ...the political correspondant at NPR won ....awesome even though i really wanted to win this one ...Mara Liasson winning it is even better I love NPR
I want to open the door and walk in. It is so beautiful and magical. My daughter thinks the fairies live behind the blue.
Congratulations Mara! West of Old Man River lost out again. You couldn't have a nicer Holiday present for yourself. The blue door and all those different spring greens and the shadows and filtered sunlight... just perfect.
comme il ferait bon y passer quelques temps! a ce petit cabanon - merci
This one is just lovely.