daily painting titled Morning Shadows

Morning Shadows

16cm x 14cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Friday 7 April, 2006
Posted in Landscape paintings ·


This is simply perfect. Light, shadow, bright, dark. old, and new -- all at the same time. AMAZING GARCE, indeed.
This reminds me of the light in Zimbabwe. I love the darkness of the shadow. I can feel the air!
>I can feel the air! Mia, I know exactly what you mean. Those are the precise words which came into my head when I saw the one of the white tree the other day. Spooky.
It reminds me of the giant live oak and pecan trees that lined the cotton fields at my grandmother's farm in south Georgia -a similarly beautiful place and a wonderful memory to be reminded of.
have a nice way. monday is still far... have a good free time julian!