Nice painting! Just look out the window ..... all too true. Although I travel a lot to UK, France, Italy,etc. the painting I entered last spring into a Butler Museum of American Art juried show was of a snow storm out my window, it won an honorable mention and cash award. Good lesson in the beauty available all around us.
Last glow maybe before the storm,the blue path in the sky is blocked for a moment by a sharp-pointed cloud,the farmhouses seem hopelessly small.Everything seems still and silent,but...A "Constable-like" dramaturgy.Impressive!
Hey Man,
I really dig the landscapes.
I think your still lifes are PRIMO!
I am really partial to your land scapes.
It's just me.I get a sense of place.
The land and the sense of France really moves me.
I have your NYT story in my files.
I hope you are going to the bank.
Bob Ragland.
PS- Inspired by your work.
Whistler had an overcoat with pockets to carry a thumbbox. Watson Guptill book by Donald Holden, is where I got the data. The paintings are reproduced actual size.
Bob Ragland
This wonderful painting, together with your words ("Sometimes one just needs to look out the window") are deeply inspiring. Thank you for the reminder.