daily painting titled Peonies and Delft vase

Peonies and Delft vase

20cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 7 May, 2014
Posted in Flower paintings


And yet you manage to paint the BEAUTIFULLY!
Julian, another beautiful little scene...!
Luscious, as was yesterday's painting of peonies. I'm greatly admiring the colours you have painted for the main 'white' of the vase! Thank you.
but oh so beautiful, one of my favorite flowers those shaggy petals just lush, Diane
I have 3 tree peonies here in Robertsbridge - ENORMOUS flowers that collapse after a few days. Fortunately the foliage is very beautiful for the rest of the year. Your R'bridge friends met in our house for a hilarious recorder playing evening recently.
...but oh so very exquisite in their fragile state...
These are absolutely gorgeous, Julian. I hope the family is well. Mary Anne
However, by contrast, you've managed to make it look very easy! Beautiful painting:)
Julian , I think this is one of my favorite paintings ! Superbly painted!!!!
Breathtaking..you were so wise to paint the Delft vase. This is one of your very best yet!
Delightful ordered disorder. Exquisite..
Love both of these peony paintings Julian... youve captured the colors so soft and subdued...and the brushwork in the blossoms, so nice!
Another ripper
Just spent the day painting peonies. Thank you so much for showing me how it's done by a master and also for saying it's hard. Amen to that!
I am so glad you find peonies difficult to paint. You don't know how much hope this gives me! I just love your paintings, especially those of flowers and fruit, because I find it so difficult to paint this way myself!
Dear Julian, painting only part of the vase with the blossoms at the base, softly glowing in delicious pinks, has turned out yet another masterpiece.We don't need to see a depiction of the entire vase to get the idea. The tones of greyish buff white, dry brush highlight (exquisite) and typical blue decorations, leaves no doubt this is part of a Delft vase. A perfect foil for the peony blossoms and the tight bud. A distilled image, reminiscent of an old opulent Dutch still life but without the accompanying indigestion!! Anna.
beautiful work !
Indescribably beautiful! You really captured me on this one, as peonies are my favorite flowers, and I have always loved Delft pieces - my father being form Holland. No one could paint these flowers better than you, Julian!
Apparently our 3rd grader has been learning at school that paintings are about light and shadow. Wait until Lucy sees this one! Thank you for giving the peonies another go. They are perfect.