Rich, intricate, pallid;mysterious, poetic, delicate;hypnotising, bewitching, riveting.A painting as an embraceable mermaid that can cast a spell on the ingenuous beholders...
Simply gorgeous. When I clicked on your email, at first I only saw the top half of your painting. Even that abbreviated view told me it would be wonderful. It certainly didn't disappoint!
Hello Julian,
Your work is just exquisite. I would really love to take a workshop from you sometime. This is just a technical question...when I try to login to bid it says my email and or password is incorrect... and when I try to register it says all the info is already taken! Please help! I tried to get the site to email me my info and when I did it it sent me what I am typing in to login...not sure why it won't work.
Not only your painting skill but love your imagination particularly in placement of peonies.....and love the idea of white peonies....beautiful. Thank you, julian
It's because you had not confirmed your email address; the sign-up is a two stage process requiring you to prove ownership of the email address. I've manually confirmed you now so it will work
Well, you may say painting white peonies are difficult but this "end result" of yours certainly doesn't reveal that! As usual, you have made it look easy with the loose brushstrokes and vitality.
It is a remarkable painting with your incredible handling of shadows, reflections, silver bowl, and the lushness of the petals.
I love both of your recent peony paintings - the pink one with the green vase and beautiful shadows and this one. If I had to choose just one, I'd fail!