i am a palette knife painter and love the feel of its handle in my hand with a nice glob of paint on the knife....yrs looks well used so i wonder how much you use it for actual painting of strokes? gfs
This painting is from the eye and the imagination of the painter. Unless, Julian, you are lying on a structure above the knife, you have created an 'impossible' view. It is very cinematic!
Palette Knife and Apple Half
I viewed upon my screen,
and after which I declared aloud,
"Best damn paintings I've ever seen!"
Apple Half and Palette Knife
right here for all to see,
"Ghee whiz, Ma, how come he don't
paint more like me and me more like he?
What a richness of observation and creativity in this humble knife-handle:
- purple hint at the right upper tip
- vermilion on the left side
- emerald green at the lower tip
- punctiform white highlight just in the center of the painting
- multiple ridges and scuffes on the wood.
Warm lights and colours, vertical elongated brushstrokes of the background suggesting a peppy feeling. Rembrandtesque painting.
Bravo Julian!
Alain - I agree with you so much - but what of the lady with the white hat, transparent dress and black shoes in the handle of the knife??
Bravo Julian - indeed!
Much admiration for you.
I agree with you, Mrs Dianne Thomas. I see the lady now. Thank you for this delightful find. A very hot lady definitely!
However I hope from the heart she won't walk into the black hole just ahead of her...