daily painting titled Venice nocturne

Venice nocturne

16cm x 12cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 1 November, 2013
Posted in Paintings of Venice


Empyrean ambrosial painting. - Please wait Ruth, wait Julian I wear my tuxedo and I come! They play Mozart tonight? - Yes they do Alain, they play Die Zauberflöte!Come on!If you are lucky,you will get a ticket! - My bow tie, my bow tie, I have forgotten my bow tie!"
Love the wobbly lines, tones and colour nocturne, just right
Wonderful. Timeless... the street lights could be gas, the people from centuries ago, camp fires on the other bank. A great series of daily delights from Venice. Thank you Julian.
Beautiful! I have been enjoying your paintings! They're truly great! And I like they way you caption with short description or a sentence story yest can capture the event.
doesn't read as night time ...sky too light...beautiful composition as usual ...
perhaps my computer is distorting this image so that the sky does not appear to be dark? a little confusing ...I amend my former comment to just say that all your work is magical especially the Venitian water ways...
Julian you have excelled yourself yet again "Fantastico"
very moody! lovely.
Julian - a million thanks for the Venice paintings. I do hope (since we've not won the lottery yet) you put some of these up for sale as prints. They're just beautiful, evocative, lyrical, in short - they bring back Venice in all its glory and I've thoroughly enjoyed them - and enjoyed looking forward to seeing them. Thanks again!
Thought this was the best of Venice!! Loved it. Sandy
Dear Julian, la notte Veneziana belongs to the cats! Not many night owls about. The reflections, warm pools of light, a sense of being able to see for miles over the water, stunning. The afterglow in the night sky reminds me of Whistler's Venice, but no, it's all your own! What looks like a cosy, warm bacaro staying open late on the right. And the lamplights do look lit by gas,Gecko! How dreamy and wonderful! Anna.
Beautiful composition, colors, and mood.
Very nice:)
Love your atmospheric work. Especiallly this one.
Have really enjoyed your Venice paintings, Julian, and this one especially.
Have so enjoyed the Venice paintings. Perhaps on a set of notecards??? I'd like that for Christmas.
Wonderfully atmospheric. I have a soft spot for nocturnes and this is simply fabulous!
I see a little bit of Whistler in this one. He's one of my favorites (of course, you are, too)!
Phew Julian - its a cracker!
Dear Julian, there is something truly ephemeral about this painting. You have captured in your colors and strokes the beauty of the evening in Venice and makes us feel right there. Thank you! -Lucia
Oh Julian *smile* love this one too! The water! The color is so beautiful ? I keep killing my battery constantly pulling these Venice paintings up lol