daily painting titled Clementines


16cm x14 cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Sunday 5 March, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Oh well..didn't get this one. Another lovely still life by an obviously talented artist. We have a wonderful Chocolate Lab named Clementine--thought of her when I saw this painting. I'll look for another clementine subject in the future!
I'm beginning to think it is impossible to buy one of these lovely paintings. Can someone commission a painting?
agree. feel like it's impossible to buy a painting.
The email list has now over 1500 subscribers so it is difficult to purchase, but obviously not impossible and no, I do not take commissions for the postcard paintings.
All your paintings are amazing. How can I get one? It is always sold when I received the email.
Julian this is another little gem to add to the collection in my email archive ...I really love the dent in the clementine skin ..and the whole thing has a sort of old master quality which is gorgeous ...
Hey, Julian, I think it's time you raised your prices...!!!
Reflected pinkish mauves and that clever indication of texture in the highlight. Very sophisticated. Loving it.
Of all the artists living today there is only one pure poet of the boiled egg and spoon and he is Julian Merrow -Smith.
When your back in July Clive I will have to challenge you to an egg and spoon race. Clive 'Velasquez's' luminous still life paintings can be seen at: