daily painting titled The Lizard

The Lizard

20cm x 15cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 24 February, 2020
Posted in Marine paintings


Incredibly beautiful. Thank you.
I give up. Have spent too many minutes trying to log in to bid on this painting. You sent my in formation. I put it in and get told I'm wrong. Love the painting. Have actually been there. Leslie
Fantastically dreich!
This is exquisitely beautiful J!
Very nice! Such great movement and action.
Hallo Julian, Your painting is lovely, just so depicts the wildness of the Cornish seas....My stepmother was from Penryn..she died 2 years ago and my husband Neil and sister Juliette scattered her ashes in Perranporth - it was a beautiful day..but extremely windy:) - more than usual for Perranporth!! Anyway, your painting just brought back memories of Cornish pastys (warming the hands)..clotted cream..eating ice cream cones (on Castle Beach in Falmouth) with a chocolate flake stick stuck in the middle ...and saffron cake... Thank you Julian...
I can hear the waves......(the wreckers must be close by).......beautiful painting! Nancy
Incredibly beautiful, stark, and chilling.
Love your colors on the wild headland seascape today. Wow. I live on an Island in the Caribbean and we have stormy days and wild seas occasionally but never quite like this. I love all your daily paintings. I started daily paintings in September very inspired by your work... i look forward to your emails everyday. Someday I will afford to buy one and also attend your workshop in France. Interesting that we have similar names Juliann Smith but I sign my paintings Jules. I am working on some large paintings on commission unable to do the daily paintings... but I’m looking forward to getting back to my daily paintings. Thanks again and have a good day.
Julian This is the most beautiful painting!!! Congratulations!!! Reven
Breathtaking! Winslow Homer would be jealous.