daily painting titled Self portrait at 63 years

Self portrait at 63 years

15cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 27 September, 2022
Posted in Portraits


I love your work. We all like to see you. Would love to see your wife with cello and son Louis at a favorite activity. Dont have to show faces for privacy. For the next portrait look pleased and think of how lucky we are to live long happy artist's lives! At 88 I sat for a portrait group and then demo from William Kalwick. That too took courage, having a group paint what they saw. The large one from Bill pleases my family and me, as a reasonbly happy portrait. I am almost 92 now and still painting. Would send you an image but cant on this platform.
I really enjoy getting your emails every day. You are an inspiration for me. Try being 69 and looking at yourself. Keep going.
Wow! A great self-portrait. It reminds me of the great self-portrait of Chardin!
Don't worry for a minute. You are gorgeous!
Beautifully done (of course)….but your expression seems to indicate you didn’t enjoy doing it….you should be smiling !!!!
It’s called character!
OMG! I am 76 and the thought of having to look at myself long enough for a self portrait would be an exercise in terror. But I have to admit I would have said the same thing at 20! But I love doing portraits of my grandnieces. I have found I have to be "in love" with the subject. Love is the inspiration! Thank you for all your wonderful work. My dear friend, Margaret Powers, took a workshop from you several years ago. We loved learning about you. Margaret sadly passed away suddenly last December.
I agree wholeheartedly with Sandy (above). And yes, I too love seeing your paintings every day or nearly every day and think whad a talented man you are.
Julian boy would I like to hang you on the wall. Nice work. But you are so handsome in person. Smile.
Smiles are for photos. To grin at yourself while painting would be ultra weird. I like your intense serious expression, and, by the way, it's a gorgeous painting..(Happy Birthday)

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