Wonderful, wonderful color. I don't know if these were the colors you actually saw, but you've presented them so marvelously, harmonized them so well that I believe totally in your landscape. And very much wish I could be on that road walking toward those poppies!
Hello Julian, my lovely aunt Ann Aslan introduced me to your site, and I've really enjoyed it these last few months. I just thought I'd let you know that Ann died this morning after a very brave fight against cancer. She died at home here in Rinsey, Cornwall with her husband Clive by her side. She used to talk about you, and gave me your Peeled Clementine card at Christmas. I've since started painting still lifes.
All the very best, Ingrid
That mix of colours is marvellous. Going to
squeeze out all of them on palette andhave a go.
Hope you received Matisse article, written about 7 years..given limited space to write-hence shorthand-style. Wonderful area.
Wow! (okay, so that's not literary or even original, but WOW!!). Love the colors. I've just finished the book Cherries From Chauvet's Orchard and enjoyed it immensely. Until now, the only "postcard" I'd seen was on the book's cover- and that was great. This is wonderful too!
Yes, I noticed that stroke of blue too behind the tree. I never would have thought of that! As usual, loose, simple and beautiful.
I would have worked that scene to death and absolutely spoiled it!!
Well done! Thank you, Julian for my visual treats.