daily painting titled A vase of peonies

A vase of peonies

20cm x 16cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 24 April, 2024
Posted in Still life paintings


Sir, I have watched your work over the years and loved it. But now, you have become "at one" with your paints and brush.
Totally agree Karen! I've tried hard to imitate & learn from Julian - an by careful obs have learned so much... he is 'looser Chardin'! ;) Tom
Tom, glad you agree! I wanted to add to Julian, that his brush is simply joyful, like a master in full control of being loose in painting.
I love the way you capture joy and beauty you see around you where ever you are.
Stunning! Have never seen peonies painted so perfectly!
Julian I love your art, have for 10 years, and this one is the winner so far this year! !

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