daily painting titled Cyclamen on a Window Sill

Cyclamen on a Window Sill

16cm x14 cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Friday 3 March, 2006
Posted in Flower paintings ·


I check the website all the time...I get the daily emails...and still, it is impossible to buy one of these great paintings. Are there already sold before they are posted and the email is sent?
It was an extreme bit of luck that I was able to get this one today -- I happened to check the site at the exact moment it was put online. So they're not sold before posting, but it takes a bit of witchcraft, I think, to see it before anyone else.
Barely caught my breath from the beauty, when c'est vendu! Never the less- makes my day! Both the compostion and the use of light on the leaves are wonderful. I love the unusual cropping. Really sets it apart. Just love how you can move from one subject to the next and fill each with a quiet, meditative vitality. Stepping back from my computer screen, gives it a whole other dimension. Much better than am coffee. Merci Julian!
WOW! I can almost feel the texture of the leaves. Impressive
This is really lovely; i love how the cyclamen seems to be peaking out the window, anticipating spring. The flower in the back on the right adds wonderful balance.
please tell me how I might buy a painting? What buttons do I push to indicate I would like to purchase?I guess I do not understand the directions you give. I love the morning light ..the paintings are a joy each day.
This is particularly lovely, Julian. The texture of the leaves, the flowers stretching toward the light, the composition... *happy sigh*
It is a gloomy day today in Chicago,but when I opened my e-mail this painting of the cyclamen jumps right at me.A real "picker upper".Thanks Julian. nell
wow, amazing painting