daily painting titled Field of Poppies, Villes-sur-Auzon

Field of Poppies, Villes-sur-Auzon

18cm x 14cm (5½"x7"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 18 May, 2009
Posted in Landscape paintings


These poppies are wonderful! Thank you for this gift of Spring.
Nice job. Reminds me of Transylvania.
Hello Julian This reminds me of driving along roads in upstate New York and coming suddenly upon a field of yellow or getting to the top of a hill and seeing a view of green, pink and white. Of course they were springtime images like the one you have captured here. So your painting with its vivid red and greens with peeks at blue and white in the land and sky is lovely as it is and as it evokes pleasant memories of springtime experiences.
Simply divine!
Technically, it reminds me of Van Gogh. For me, what is so spectacular here is the soft focus of the median plan surrounded by two clear-cut plans, foreground and background. Secondly, the way Julian, you have to dig the surface thanks to this little path ( like a breathing ) and the two oblique parallel lines of poppies in the foreground giving the perspective. Lastly you subtly suggest the verticality, thus the balance, of this marvellous painting thanks to the five trees just above the horizon. Masterful performance! Van Gogh from the artists'heaven I'm sure must be proud of you; For the first time...he is smiling.
Julian, do you use the wooden tip of your brushes when you paint some details in the foreground, namely the thin light lines on the stems ?
A ripper! I like the way the viewer is led around the poppies and through to the background. So much to delight the eye in such a small space!
Lovely range of greens. A breath of fresh air.
Hi Alain, yes, I'm a real scratcher!