daily painting titled Rio dei Tolentini

Rio dei Tolentini

14cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Saturday 1 November, 2014
Posted in Paintings of Venice


Awesome paintings. Are these painted in oneĀ sitting? Do you warm up with a few quick sketchy paintings or is that it?...boom...done. Confident strokes. I like it. Bold and thickly applied. David. Brackley, England.
Dear Julian,magnum opus!!Ooh, delicious colours! L'essenza veneziano. Anna H.
Awesome piece. Is it done in one sitting? one hour? Do you warm up with a few oil sketches first or is that it? Boom...done. Confident strokes. Bold thickly applied. I like it. David. Brackley, England.
Hello Julian, I am so excited to be attending your workshop in May 2015 but also very nervous about it. I am not a landscape painter nor do I paint as effortlessly and loosely as your paintings look. I love your work and what I'd like to learn on the workshop is how to loosen up and be "more painterly" in my approach. That being said, is there anything you can tell me to practice in the months before the workshop. I am taking an abstract class now but it is difficult for me to not try to paint exactly what I see. Also, I was wondering if you would be talking about the business end of our profession and how you manage to paint, blog, and sell on a daily basis!! It amazes me. Your life seems perfect!!!! Thank you. Francine
Its certainly been an inspiring break for you - fantastic paintings. Love them all.
Yes, the rather gorgeous website jssgallery.org advises that Sargent frequently painted from a gondola and even includes a painting with Sargent working from a studio-gondola... I guess they were cheaper to hire in those days. How about trying it, Julian?