daily painting titled House on the Rio Novo, Venice

House on the Rio Novo, Venice

20cm x 13cm (8"x5"), oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 30 November, 2008
Posted in Marine paintings


Love the mood and the water. It has a very ancient feel to it all. Great job as usual, Julian!
Something nostalgic about this view; even melancholic. Something wrecked. It reminds me of Derain ( last art period ). "Unwashed" terracotta. Windows like blind eyes; dizzy. Even the sky seems depressed. Nobody on the bridge; unfathomed darkness of the water. Like a feel of wake. I believe I am hearing distantly the tocsin ringing out. Power of suggestion. A masterpiece. Again.
Beautiful and dark. Alain said it all....
"Mystery" play of light. The sun this morning is shining on the painting; sorrows are going to die down...Enthralling Venice!