daily painting titled Chemin de Demoiselles Coiffees

Chemin de Demoiselles Coiffees

19cm x 15cm (7"x5"), oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 9 May, 2012
Posted in Landscape paintings


Oh, I am feeling homesick and its not even my home! Beautiful painting Julian, so glad for you that you are all back home.
love the spring-like colors and i'm always intriqued by your lanes that make me wonder whats around the bend. HOME!!! so glad you're back.
Yes, you transport us right to that very place...wonderful.
That is a road that is less traveled by. Great work as usual.
I remember it so well! Happy times.......
Hi Katherine and Sarah, the house is going to be quite changed from when you were here (when the builders finally leave us) though we've kept the cutesy tumbledown exterior look!!
Julian, you are the only artist whose works suggest for me so many symbols, hidden into the shapes that your brushstrokes create. Here this clump of trees, behind the telephone poles,that takes the shape of a majestic lion sleeping accross the road... Who would dare to venture a little further on this "Chemin des Demoiselles Coiffées"?
beautiful !
Love the allure of a bend in the road. Look forward to your late afternoon emails from your blog.