Dear Julian I am a 'newcomer' to your work and I love it. Found it very interesting looking at your early work and comparing it to up-to-date works. It inspires me and teaches me so much - the 'chiaroscuro' effect is especially my favourite technique at the mo to study. By the way, just gone through rough weather here in WA round the other side of the world! You are truly gifted - I look forward to tomorrows gem.
hello am responding here not knowing where else to send a message re the i received my order of prints from the store and was very excited!!! love what you do...if you look at my order you,ll see i ordered 3 prints, but alas only 2 were included i received river at las molinas (# 2139) and also banks of seine (#10833) but not bread and cheese (#10900).....could you check yourrecords? thanks sooo much daniel