I'm sure they are not only organic but bio-dynamically grown! Ha! That's my wishful thinking making itself vocal. Gorgeous painting. Thank you. Are there even words to describe this utter gorgeousness? Must be really boring for you to get all these comments marvelling at your talent ;-)
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Soft-spoken conversation
- Hum you smell so good to day!" the strawberry on the left whispered to her close neighbour
-"Strawberry number 5"."
A new strawberry romance was beginning!
Gradually the rumor was growing louder in the strawberries mass around(" she said strawberry number 5" "yes strawberry number 5! " oh strawberry number 5?" " number 5, yes....... ... ....")
This is a painting that has more complexity than first appears. Each strawberry has a slightly different shape, especially the two left right, and in the foreground and slightly in the rear. In the light, carefully deployed, each seems to have a slightly different colour. At first I thought that there were six, but on closer examination, I think there are seven. And the smell....... heavenly!
Julian your brush is as hot as ever.
Cheers on your painting, you are inspiring.
I may have asked you before, have you seen whistler'small paintings?
Bob Ragland