So peaceful... How lucky you are to have escaped the 'babble' of everyday life.... I look at this and I feel calm.... Quiet...
A solitary cloud, perfectly positioned, not alone exactly but separate. My ideal position I think...
Today's painting -- Inspired. . .
I received the book in good order, have not had a moment to look at it but will very soon. Moving to Beijing Oct 4., my husband has a 2.5 assignment with BMW. I am looking forward to painting a lot.
Hello Julian or Julian's assistant...
I look forward to purchasing your book for my mother (whose eyesight is failing) if the reproductions of Julian's work are large enough for her to see. Therefore, can you please inform us as to the range of sizes of the reproductions in the book, along with the average reproduction size, if possible. Are the photos larger than what we can see on your website?
Thank you for any information you can provide. Julian is amazing!