daily painting titled Poppies and Cherry Orchard

Poppies and Cherry Orchard

16cm x 15cm (6"x5"), oil on card
Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Wednesday 25 April, 2007
Posted in Landscape paintings


dilemna; should i bid or book an airline ticket. quite beautiful
Love the low perspective.
Am I imagining it, or are those four little figures in the right distance Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion?
Absolutely stunning, it just really does it for me, mot many poppies in the Auvergne.
I like this one quite a bit. I like the "squareness" of it. Working square is difficult to pull off. And as for the poppies, you can almost feel them "dancing" in the wind. Nice piece.
Poppies, Poppies, Poppies and imagine that we still haven't seen red Poppies in Athens on the hill sides, excellent little piece.
OH, that's very nice.