Julian, you have so well captured the spirit of this parisian street ( Roi de Sicile street ?). What a wonderful scorching glare of the pavement ! And that lady on a "vélib (?)". And this absent-minded bystander... Two destinies which will never meet again... I hear the tourists further, joyfully crowding forward to see Beaubourg museeum... Some of them savour a delicious ice cream from "Berthillon".
What a lovely view of 'flaneurs" in the Marais. It brings back wonderful memories for me. I love: The colour, red gold, grey both dark and light, and the bluewhite of the pavement with its rosy touches; The stark contrast in dark areas and highly lit ones and the placement of the people who are strolling and looking with a strong light that defines their hats. It is quite a different view from my Sunday visits there when it is very crowded. Of course, as Alain notes, the strollers should end their journey at "Berthillon" on the Isle St-Louis.
I love these. On a professional note Julian, what painting equipment do you use for these small paintings? I have just bought a small pochade box to paint outdoors and wondered if you used something similar. One day mine will be as good as yours, I hope!
just repeating some other great comments--gorgeous, scorching sunlight. And I stand corrected Alain--so this is the third painting with people. I went back to the April painting of the Pantheon and I repeat what I said then--man, you can paint anything.