Bonjour Julian,
This might be my favorite postcard you've sent to date. Milles mercis!
We've had a maison secondaire around the corner from La Fontaine on rue St. Paul for 30 years. Your paintings always leave me happy/sad. I've always wanted to spend way more time in Venasque.
Have been following your painterly evolution for years. Once I once sent a painting of the Essouria port to our friends Jerome & Martine who left La Maison aux Volets Bleus in Venasque wondering if they knew you. (They were owners of our house in Venasque when their daughter was young and were our caretakers until their move to Maroc.) I learned later that you had connected and that your son and their granddaughter Betty became pals.
Further proof that it's a small world out there -
There is also a connection we both have to someone in Providence RI but I can't remember exactly what it is. Our friend in Providence called last night to see if we were going to bid on the Venasque fountain. We suggested he proceed. I sincerely hope he was the successful bidder.
Hope to meet you and Alice some day. Avec mes sentiments tres sinceres.
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