daily painting titled Lemon on a napkin with a blue stripe

Lemon on a napkin with a blue stripe

16cm x14cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Friday 21 April, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Since the New York Times piece, I've been TRYING in vain to buy a painting (still life only, lemons and eggs especially). Not ONCE have I succeeded, and not ONCE has a painting been posted WITHOUT the "sold." Think I'll give up--the frustration level is too high!!!
you need to subscribe to julian's emails. they give you about 25 min advance notice of the daily posting. you might want to read the purchasing link. you're right -competition is fierce, but it's possible.
large lush lemon blue stripe lounging in Provence ah! life is good on a Friday.
Well that lemon is just perfect with subtle hints of green suggesting it was freshly picked. If it weren't for the great Vacqueyras wine, I'd rather think it was time to break out the Bombay Saphire!! What a treat to get these delivered daily by email.
Don't give up Sue, they are worth the time and effort in patience. I purchased Julian's work before the NY Times article and visiting the site regularly I can see that they just get better and better!! A beautiful lemon Julian....
Ode to Julian Because you paint?I Crave your luscious fruit Linger in those moody landscapes Taste each translucent strawberry Covet soft delicate petals Delight in a beautiful brown egg Ponder outrageous highlights Because you paint?I Am inspired more each day
What a delight to enjoy your paintings each day! Thank you! Barbara
Seems that few of us on the West Coast ever get a chance to purchase. What's the secret? I'd love to know.