daily painting titled New season's apples

New season's apples

19cm x 13cm, oil on panel (approx 7"x5") Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 15 August, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


No one could have painted those apples better! They are so dimensional and real, yet they are still poetic and spiritual in feeling.
beautiful apples--more beautiful family though.
What pommes! I exclaimed on seeing this. Bravo Julian, as always, you capture the very essence of your subject in your painting.
I like these two white highlights,as two fragile white butterflies which indefinitely are fluttering about their crimson twin world.
Wonderful beauty in the apples, and the lovely family! Bravo!
Apples like these make me understand the temptation of Adam and Eve. Louis is very beautiful and his disposition seems so sunny. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Your paintings are lovely and your boy is gorgeous ... so very smiley. Happiness!
Louis is just so cute!
Louis is as divinely edible as these gorgeous apples. Such joy!
What a beutiful baby boy and your paintings continue to inpire me. Thank you!
For me, the light on the leaves makes everything sing. Eat your heart out, Cezanne!
Louis is absolutely adorable!! Such a beautiful smile and so lucky to have such adoring parents! Love the apples Julian and the board they are sitting on. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful images of your beautiful family! Best to you all, Amy
Well, i bought Ruths' book and am on pg. 61. it's outstanding how she writes of gutsy down and scrubby detail along with such tender ,sweet, delicate beauty of the simplest things in nature. I'm amazed at the hardships of winter. the winds. the village all but closing down. I have lived santa barbara 50 years, where if it's not 72 degrees F. we think somethings wrong [except for fires, earthquakes,of course]. the book is so delightful to me ,in chronicling the unfolding of your lives. The pictures of the beautiful baby and your obvious joy and happiness make me very happy for you. Thank you Ruth for writing such a wonderful book. i bought the painting 8x10 [ish] of figs, silver goblet and knife, last year. it hangs near my fireplace and a view of the mountains. your daily emails always cheer me up and remind me to go out to my studio and get to work. I would like to consider both of you talented people as my friends. you have given out from your hearts. f
thank you so very much nancy for these lovely words!!! they mean so much to me.
Beautiful, as always. Thank you for sharing the photos too.
I am in love with Louis, your art and your whole family! Beautiful and glorious all around!
beautiful photos. Robert Quaile.
Louis is darlin! Have you painted him yet? Thank you for sharing your family photos, Maud Guilfoyle
When will we see a painting of fruit or veggies with Louis? Wonderful pictures. Louis will someday realize how lucky he is as I'm sure both you and Ruth do now. Bernie