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New faces
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group2 apero.jpg


We have new faces at the Madelene! Arriving, as did group one, in torrential rain in the coldest spring we have ever had (eight degrees today instead of the normal 28, and hail forecast for this afternoon) they are still in good spirits, up and out painting. Philip's choice crisp viognier and Jude's homemade lemon ice cream helped them believe it was indeed summer in Provence though there was a call for extra fleeces during Julian's morning demo.




1 Comment

All these wonderful greens, how to please, just three or four brief hints sometime if possible.
Such a range of talent, who did the lovely poppy field with Louis? Is it yours Julian?
We got summer today, day 7 in total..but there's still time..
Can't join you but send painterly love all round.

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