daily painting titled Track near Flassan

Track near Flassan

20cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Friday 9 May, 2014
Posted in Landscape paintings


Julia do you ever have any larger paintings for sale? If so I would like to take a look.
Ahhh. Julian. You have an amazing ability to paint you surroundings and make me feel they are just down the track from me! I am so much more in tune with daily changes because of your brush. Thank you once more.
The way you painted this, Julian, reminds me of a quick moving scene while driving a car. (Maybe you were thinking of getting back home quickly from Paris!)
Very painterly and lovely brushwork.. but shan't go down that road..foreboding...
Dear Julian, sounds like you might have liked to stay put instead of having a day out in Paris! Good to have a change of scene though... and now the first cherries! Hope you will paint them! This loose and seemingly effortless painting creates a magnetic pull towards where all the perspective lines meet. The towering trees at that point makes a tunnel which you would like to go beyond out of sheer curiosity, just to see the possible vista beyond. A true "road painting". Anna.
A couple of big trees thanks to the tangled green brushstrokes in abundance of their foliage seem to dance a waltz of love(the left tree, thinner, is of course the damsel, the male, little rascal, tries to kiss her and... he succeeds!). The blushing poppies on the right and the vine stocks on the left, like human bystanders, give them a thunderous applause!Shh shh...let us leave them alone.
I feel as tho you are using much looser brush strokes for many of your paintings. This a good instance, particularly the road. Wonder if you use palette knife for painting at all? (So much easier just to wipe them off when changing colors). I learned this at Cape Cod School of Art Impressionist Painting. Never (almost never) went back to brushes. Gfs
I love the brushwork in your painting Julian. It seems as though the whole scene has movement in it even though it is a landscape. Wonderful colours as usual.