daily painting titled Peonies in a provençal vase

Peonies in a provençal vase

13cm x 20cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Tuesday 6 May, 2014
Posted in Flower paintings


It's settled my irregular heartbeat tonight. Thank you
How I love your florals. But I wonder why so many are painted with a dark background...???? Gfs
When lightness (flowers) marries heaviness (vase)... And like a hot-air balloon,I imagine these "winged" peonies and curvaceous vase little by little rise together in the air,lit by the moon we see through the vase.
Stunningly beautiful you have captured the essence of the most beautiful flower on the planet! Thanks for the inspiration! Coleen
Beautiful, beautiful peonies!
It's a knockout!!
I am not a flower painting person, but gosh this is a smasher
Absolutely divine.
Dear Julian, masterful!The soft pink nuances of the luxurious, silky peonies made all the more tender when set off against the reflective deep green of the vase.Ravishing. Anna.