daily painting titled Still Life with Roses

Still Life with Roses

Oil on linen, 33cm x 24cm (approx 13"x9¼") Painting status: SOLD
This painting is available as a limited edition print
Daily painting for Thursday 1 October, 2009
Posted in Flower paintings
Tags: flowers, print


"in their slightly delicate, decaying state? all pale and Miss Haversham like"--you have a way with words, too. Lovely painting, lovely description.
It's not your technique, which I love and study and aspire to... it's your eye. Your artistic eye. Certainly you are born with it, or do you feel it to can be learned and cultivated? This piece is stunning. Parke
Julian, I have to comment on the strawberry painting. It's just another wonderful example of how less is more. The goblet, a few strawberries and a dish all beautifully arranged in a simple setting. The darkness of the background compliments the highlights on the goblet and the textures of the berries. Your still-lifes are amazing!
the faded beauties, more touching than the lush first blooms...and thank you for the stem. gfs
Julian much prefer this to the traditional 'bouquet' - perhaps it's because now they aren't 'perfect' like the rest of us. What I would love to see is a close-up detail of some of your work so the brushstrokes are the subject . . .
Late, too late! The roses have reached the world beyond ,whilst the goblet will stay indifferent to the drama. This sublime painting hides a tragedy behind the soft appearances. Tragedy of life and death. As impressive as a Zurbaran.
Stunning Julian!
Another beautiful piece, Julian. Bravo!
O this ineffable rose like a little pink bird lying on its back with a dash of light-yellow (tea rose?) on its face leant against the mirror...Gorgeous.