daily painting titled Lemon and Chilli Pepper

Lemon and Chilli Pepper

14cm x 16cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Wednesday 30 August, 2006
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Is it cheating to send the price of this painting direct to your bank account just before 5pm????? XXM
Hmm, can't get the time zones sorted, maybe it's 7pm Uk time, will be poised for the strike.
Geez.how fast do I have to type to be succusful?? I was typing like a lunatic to get this piece.How'd you do it Chris?
Oy, wait a wee minute, what time in the UK does this buying thing happen? I thought we were an hour behind France?
Keith, Try using the Auto Form Fill function in Firefox. Very little typing needed.
Julian: Received August 1, 2006's Field of Sunflowers. Have I yet used the word SPECTACULAR? Probably not -- because it does not begin to describe the painting. It is so three-dimensional. It is postcard size, true, but it enlarges my life with its depth of field and color. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all this lovely work on this website.
Thanx Sarah, I'll check it out and keep trying.
Wow I am really enjoying the yellow,reg,green color combination in this piece. A feast for the eyes. Also the intimate juxtaposition of the lemon and pepper. Well done!