daily painting titled Ciflorette strawberries

Ciflorette strawberries

18cm x 13cm, oil on board Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Thursday 20 March, 2014
Posted in Still life paintings


Those stems!!!!!!!!!!!
Julian...lovely painting! Do you really have strawberries now???
Those stems are dancing!
Julian I love your paintings you are very talented. I'm a painter and would love to come and have lessons from you, thinking very seriously about next year, do you have classes in May?
I love those "twisted sisters." Great painting, Julian.
Oh, these are delicious in every sense! I am so sad not to be in France at this moment.
Dear Julian, painted with such delicacy and skill. The highlight on the left berry adds a fine sparkle to the whole and the twisting stalks catching the light are divine. Bewitching texture and colour! Anna.
Hey Artist, Have you queried any food magazines to get your art published? I have your NYT article ,from a while back. I hope you are stacking cash. Bob Ragland - Denver,Colorado
Don't worry Bob, He's stackin the cash, his bids are consistently higher than Duane Keiser's now. Julian, on this one I can only say a complete "BRAVO".
There is something witty about this painting. It has to do with the stems that I realized I rarely see when I purchase fresh strawberries, perhaps in June.