daily painting titled Tomato and bottle

Tomato and bottle

17cm x 13cm, oil on panel (approx 7"x5") Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Sunday 18 September, 2011
Posted in Still life paintings


Hi Julian I'm a good friend of Sarah Wimperis's, from, and living in Cornwall (but lived in Brittany for a while when her and Dave were there). I am just reading her copy of Ruth's book about your lives in Provence and have finally got round to looking at your work on line and am so impressed I really love the still lives especially and look forward to a little piece of France arriving every day,and will hopefully have at least a print or two of your work on our walls one day! Autumn has been with us since early September, our raspberries are nearly finished, much earlier than last year, the hedgerows are laden with berries of every description - please not another harsh winter!go well, you are an inspiration and a great talent.
Hunters! I quit going out when the bears showed up in my neighborhood. Wear that bright vest next time out. I love your still life setups-always and you are my inspiration. This piece has/is a perfect guiding light. Beautiful and simply put.
I love the viewpoint of this painting, with the minimal ground. I like the low horizon line on many of your still lifes. Your compositions are just right for these small paintings.
Oh, my... this is just so fine.
Just a matter of...Dance! It is very mysterious,Julian,but as soon as I look at one of your paintings,I always find something unexpected! Here,suddenly I see two pretty ballerinas in white tutus,who live into the "tomato-dancing school"and are dancing a storm...The french cancan while their dancing master is out for a moment! Bewitching still life.
bon jour! Love your work. Will be in Lourmarin for a month to paint and just wondered if you live anywhere near? I will be staying at a place called Les Olivettes fotr the month of October. Would be fun to paint together IF you are not babysitting or otherwise engaged. It is a long shot but I would love to meet you. Thank you.