daily painting titled Midday at les Pousse Chien

Midday at les Pousse Chien

20cm x 14cm, oil on panel (approx 8"x5½") Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 22 August, 2011
Posted in Landscape paintings


Julian, j'aime vos petits commentaires autant que les oeuvres qu'ils accompagnent. Les pensées douces d'un ami inconnu...
I am enamored of your lively brushstrokes - the immediacy of your paint style is perfect for the subject matter - I so enjoy getting these in my inbox. Suzanne on St. Simons (Georgia, US)
What a wonderful and intricate painting! Tangle of geometric planes,rupture of lines and outlines,backlightenings,shadows abruptly breaking the lights,lights pushing back the shadows,complementary colors singing,four soft pastel shutters,so vaporous...Heady!
Wow, I'm not sure which is more colorful, your painting or Alain's description there of! A beautiful piece, Sir! Columbus, Georgia (the other side of the state)
hi julian, the 2 prints i want are: Rougets ,the 2 little red fish on pg.9. Lemon on white cloth on pg.5. My best to you, Louis , and Ruth.