daily painting titled Chemin d'hiver

Chemin d'hiver

13 x 16 cm, oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Monday 27 February, 2006
Posted in Landscape paintings ·


It becomes increasing frustrating to receive "postcards" marked "sold" before on eve sees 'em!!
I'm pleased to be greeted each day here in the Ohio River Valley by one of your beautiful paintings.
I agree with Sue Llewellyn. The email never arrives before 8:30 or 9 or even 10am, though I have checked email hourse earlier. Is there another way of deciding who gets a chance to purchase these?
I cannot second enough Leslee's beautiful comment of yesterday, and Katherine's above. I too would encourage everyone who loves this project as I do to simply enjoy the daily images as they appear and maybe 'the right one' might just pop up unsold when you're least expecting it!
Julian! You are famous now, and I may never get a chance to purchase another painting, therefore I am so pleased to own two. Congratulations on all of your success, and may you continue to prosper!
A pleasure to receive such a beautiful painting. The mingling of the branch shadows of the unseen trees is alluring.