daily painting titled Deux Peches Blanches

Deux Peches Blanches

15cm x 11cm, oil on gessoed card Painting status: SOLD
Daily painting for Monday 30 July, 2007
Posted in Still life paintings


These are so wonderfully fuzzy! How in the world did you manage to portray the "fuzz"? Is it the way you use white? Or pink? I peel my peaches, while my husband and daughter just bite right into them. Ce sont des sauvages, eux!
I'm not sure which birthday it was perhaps my tenth when my parents decided to take me, alone of the five children, out to dinner. The Italian waiter who had taken a shine to me, peeled a peach for my dessert. Even then I was shocked by the decadence. Long live the furryness of peaches and vive les sauvages!
Hi Julian I'm the lucky new owner of this painting. I tried to email you but your mailbox is full. I wondered if I could pick it up rather than have it posted to Australia