daily painting titled White Peach Half and Knife

White Peach Half and Knife

Oil on card

Painting status: SOLD

Daily painting for Friday 22 July, 2005
Posted in Still life paintings ·


Letter 'p' in Merrow-Smith's Provençal Alphabet shurely!?!?
Sans serif..
Julian, Since i found your web site several days ago, i have beeb visiting a lot. We go to Provence once a year (business and pleasure). You so delightfully capture the region! Thank you for these beautiful expressions of light. A few of your paintings really remind me of a painter named John Stockwell, who is currently living in Sweden. You can see his work at Munsongallery.net Click on his name in the list of artists they represent. I'd be curious to know if you see the resemblence. The paintings of yours that remind me of his are May 24 and April 30. He has a beautiful book that Amazon.com is selling for quite a bit off list. Any how, i thought you might be interested. Thank you again. Someday i hope to be quick enough to buy one of your paintings! Maggie
Heureusement, le tranchant du couteau est de l'autre coté, sinon on pourrait croire que la pêche a saigné...Réflexions sur la violence dans nos sociétés, peinture à portée...sociétale. A méditer.